International Conference on
Spine and Spinal Disorders
July 15-16, 2024
London, UK
Theme: "From Research to Recovery: Mapping the Future of Spine Research"
Scientific Committee Scientific Session Submit Abstract Download Brochure

Conference Information

Welcome Message

Greetings to our esteemed community of researchers, dedicated colleagues,

It is our pleasure to extend a warm welcome to the upcoming International Conference on Spine and Spinal Disorders, scheduled to be held on July 15-16, 2024 in the beautiful city of London, UK. Your presence is highly anticipated as we gather to delve into the latest breakthroughs in Spine research and foster collaborative discussions that drive innovation in the field.

Embark on a journey through the most recent advancements in spinal research. Spine Conference 2024 will showcase cutting-edge studies, providing a comprehensive overview of the current state of Spine research. From molecular insights to clinical applications, explore the diverse landscape of discoveries that promise to shape the future of spinal healthcare.

Join us for a cutting-edge conference designed to inspire, connect, and propel Spine research forward. With a focus on fostering collaboration and sharing ground breaking insights, Spine Conference 2024 serves as a platform for networking, learning, and forging new paths in Spine research.

This year's theme, "From Research to Recovery: Mapping the Future of Spine Research" encapsulates our commitment to translating research findings into tangible solutions for spinal disorders. We believe in mapping a future where innovative research directly contributes to the recovery and well-being of individuals affected by spinal conditions.

Spine Conference 2024 is strategically crafted to focus on multidisciplinary approaches to spine and spinal disorders. From fundamental research to clinical applications, we aim to explore diverse facets of Spine health and encourage cross-disciplinary collaborations that drive meaningful progress.

As we approach the conference dates, we extend this final invitation to all those who share our passion for advancing Spine health research. Your participation is crucial in making this event a resounding success. Join us in shaping the future of spine research and fostering a community committed to making a positive impact on Spine healthcare.

We eagerly await your presence at this extraordinary gathering of minds dedicated to advancing the frontiers of Spine research. See you at the conference!

Conference Oportunities

Participation benefits outlined for the upcoming International Conference on Spine and Spinal Disorders:

1. Certification and online visibility:
Receive a certificate of participation recognizing your active involvement in the conference
Speaker profile and abstract pages are created on Google under your name, giving you global visibility by Spine Conference 2024
Showcase your commitment to professional development in the realm of Spine research

2. Networking Opportunities:
Connect with fellow researchers, clinicians, and professionals in Spine health
Forge valuable collaborations that may lead to future research endeavours

3. Career Advancement:
Gain exposure and recognition in the field of Spine health research
Enhance your professional profile by showcasing your work to a global audience

4. Access to Resources:
Receive exclusive access to conference materials, abstracts, and research resources
Explore a curated collection of literature and references related to Spine health

5. Future Collaborations:
Lay the groundwork for future collaborations with researchers and organisations
Identify potential opportunities for joint projects and research initiatives

6. Community Building:
Contribute to building a vibrant and supportive community focused on Spine health
Join discussions that aim to address challenges and find innovative solutions

7. Inspiration and Motivation:
Draw inspiration from keynote speakers and thought leaders in Spine health
Return to your professional endeavours with renewed motivation and enthusiasm

8. Knowledge Enrichment:
Gain insights into the latest advancements in Spine health research
Access cutting-edge information presented by renowned global experts in the field

9. Interactive Sessions:
Engage in interactive sessions, including Q&A panels and roundtable discussions
Participate in hands-on workshops to enhance practical skills in Spine research

10. Reward points:
Earn reward points and referral bonus for attending future conference

Session and Tracks

Navigating the Challenges of Spinal Cord Injuries and Rehabilitation
Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) are life-altering events that can have a profound impact on individuals and their families.
This track will explore the latest advancements in SCI treatment and rehabilitation, highlighting the importance of comprehensive approaches to care that address both physical and psychosocial needs

The impact of spinal cord injuries (SCIs) on individuals and their families
Advancements in SCI treatment and rehabilitation
Comprehensive approaches to SCI care

Degenerative Spinal Conditions: Understanding and Managing
Degenerative spinal conditions, such as osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis, affect millions worldwide.
This track will delve into the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for these conditions, emphasising the importance of early intervention and preventive measures to slow progression and improve quality of life

Causes, symptoms, and treatment options for degenerative spinal conditions
Early intervention and preventive measures for degenerative spinal conditions

Orthopaedic Spinal Injuries: Addressing with Precision and Expertise
Orthopaedic spinal injuries encompass a wide range of conditions, from fractures and dislocations to ligament sprains and muscle strains.
This track will focus on the diagnosis, management, and rehabilitation of these injuries, emphasising the importance of individualised treatment plans tailored to the specific needs and goals of each patient

Diagnosis, management, and rehabilitation strategies for orthopaedic spinal injuries
The importance of individualised treatment plans

Spinal Deformities and Scoliosis: Unravelling the Complexities
Spinal deformities, including scoliosis, can cause significant physical and psychosocial challenges for individuals across all age groups.
This track will explore the latest surgical and non-surgical treatment options for these conditions, highlighting the importance of early detection and intervention to optimise outcomes and prevent long-term complications

Latest surgical and non-surgical treatment options for spinal deformities and scoliosis
Importance of early detection and intervention

Ageing Spine and Spinal Fracture: Optimising Care
The ageing spine is susceptible to a variety of conditions, including osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and spinal fractures.
This track will address the unique challenges faced by older adults with spine disorders, emphasising the importance of fall prevention, comprehensive care management, and individualised treatment plans that consider age-related factors

Challenges faced by older adults with spine disorders
Importance of fall prevention and comprehensive care management for ageing spine

Sports and Spine: Keeping Active
Sports participation can lead to a range of spine injuries, from overuse syndromes to acute trauma.
This track will explore the latest strategies for preventing and managing sports-related spine injuries, promoting healthy participation and injury reduction through education, proper training techniques, and appropriate equipment selection

Strategies for preventing and managing sports related spinal injuries
Promoting healthy participation and injury reduction in sports

Spinal Pathology: Delving into the Pathological Basis
Understanding the underlying pathology of spinal disorders is crucial for developing effective treatment strategies.
This track will delve into the mechanisms of various spine conditions, providing a foundation for evidence-based treatment approaches

Mechanisms of various spine conditions
Evidence-based treatment approaches based on spinal pathology

Spinal Tumours and Infections: Combating with Advanced Techniques
Spinal tumours and infections can have devastating consequences if not promptly and effectively treated.
This track will discuss the latest diagnostic and treatment modalities for these conditions, emphasising the importance of multidisciplinary care

Latest diagnostic and treatment modalities for spinal tumours and infections
Significance of multidisciplinary care in managing spinal tumours and infections

Spine Care in Pediatric Patients: Addressing Unique Challenges
Children's spines are still developing and are susceptible to different conditions than adult spines.
This track will explore the unique challenges and considerations in paediatric spine care, highlighting the importance of individualised treatment plans and growth-sparing strategies

Unique challenges and considerations in paediatric spine care
Importance of individualised treatment plans and growth-sparing strategies

Advances in Spinal Imaging and Diagnostics
Accurate diagnosis is essential for effective spine care.
This track will showcase the latest advancements in spinal imaging and diagnostic technologies, emphasising their role in optimising treatment outcomes

Latest advancements in spinal imaging and diagnostic technologies
Role of imaging and diagnostics in optimising treatment outcomes

Spinal Arthroplasty and Motion Preservation: Preserving Mobility
Spinal arthroplasty and motion preservation techniques aim to restore joint function and alleviate pain while preserving spinal mobility.
This track will explore the latest developments in these procedures, highlighting their role in improving patient quality of life

Latest developments in spinal arthroplasty and motion preservation techniques
Role of spinal arthroplasty and motion preservation in improving patient quality of life

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: A Paradigm Shift
Minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) offers less extensive surgical approaches, reducing recovery times and minimising complications.
This track will discuss the latest advances in MISS techniques, highlighting their benefits for patients

Benefits and advantages of minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS)
Latest advancements in MISS techniques

Robotic Technology in Spine Surgery: Embracing Precision
Robotic technology has revolutionised spine surgery by enhancing precision and reducing surgical complications.
This track will explore the latest applications of robotic-assisted surgery, highlighting its role in improving patient outcomes

Role of robotic technology in enhancing precision and reducing complications in spine surgery
Latest applications of robotic-assisted spine surgery

Navigation-Assisted Spine Surgery: Enhancing Accuracy
Navigation-assisted spine surgery utilises advanced imaging technology to guide surgical instruments with precision.
This track will discuss the benefits of navigation-assisted surgery, emphasising its role in improving surgical outcomes.

Improved surgical outcomes through navigation-assisted spine surgery
Benefits and applications of navigation-assisted spine surgery

Smart Operating Room Technology: Transforming Spine Care
Smart operating rooms (ORs) integrate advanced technologies to enhance surgical efficiency and safety.
This track will explore the latest developments in smart OR technology, highlighting its potential to improve patient outcomes

The potential of smart operating rooms (ORs) in improving patient outcomes
Latest developments in smart OR technology for spine care

Non-surgical Treatment Modalities: Alternative Treatment Options
Non-surgical modalities, such as physical therapy, acupuncture, and chiropractic care, play a crucial role in managing spine conditions.
This track will discuss the benefits and applications of these modalities, emphasising their role in improving patient function, reducing pain, and enhancing overall quality of life

Benefits and applications of non-surgical modalities, such as physical therapy, acupuncture, and chiropractic care

Pain Management in Spine Care: Addressing the Agony
Pain is a common and often debilitating symptom of many spine conditions.
This track will focus on the latest strategies for pain management in spine care, including pharmacologic, non-pharmacologic, and interventional approaches

Effective pain management strategies for spine conditions
Importance of pain management in improving patient quality of life

Regenerative Medicine in Spine Treatment: Harnessing the Power of Regeneration
Regenerative medicine offers the potential to repair and regenerate damaged spinal tissues.
This track will explore the latest advancements in regenerative medicine for spine treatment, including stem cell therapy, gene therapy, and tissue engineering

The potential of regenerative medicine in treating spine conditions
Latest advancements in regenerative medicine for spine care

Innovations in Spinal Biomechanics and Engineering: Advancing Technology
Spinal biomechanics and engineering play a critical role in understanding and treating spine disorders.
This track will highlight the latest innovations in these fields, including the development of new biomaterials, implants, and surgical techniques

Role of spinal biomechanics and engineering in developing new treatment approaches
Latest innovations in spinal biomechanics and engineering

Spinal Implants and Prosthetics: Designing for Success
Spinal implants and prosthetics play a vital role in restoring function and stability in patients with spine disorders.
This track will focus on the design and development of advanced spinal implants and prosthetics, emphasising the use of biocompatible materials, innovative manufacturing techniques, and patient-specific designs

Design and development of spinal implants and prosthetics
Importance of advanced materials and techniques in spinal implants and prosthetics

Emerging Technologies and Digital Health Solutions: Revolutionising Spine Care
Emerging technologies and digital health solutions are transforming the landscape of spine care.
This track will explore the latest advancements in these areas, including artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and telemedicine, and their potential to improve patient outcomes and enhance the delivery of spine care services

The potential of emerging technologies and digital health solutions in transforming spine care
Latest developments in emerging technologies and digital health solutions for spine care

Physiotherapy and Spine Rehabilitation: Restoring Mobility
Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in the rehabilitation of patients with spine disorders.
This track will discuss the latest physiotherapy techniques and strategies for restoring mobility, improving function, and reducing pain

Role of physiotherapy and spine rehabilitation in improving patient function and mobility
Latest physiotherapy and spine rehabilitation

Chiropractic Spinal Care
care is a complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) approach that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine. Chiropractors believe that misalignments in the spine can lead to pain, discomfort, and a variety of health problems

The principles and philosophy of chiropractic care
Diagnostic techniques and procedures in chiropractic care
manipulation techniques
Evidence-based research on chiropractic care
The role of chiropractic care in managing specific spinal conditions
Integrating chiropractic care into conventional healthcare

Case Reports and Clinical Studies
Case reports and clinical studies are valuable tools for understanding the real-world application of medical interventions and treatments. In the context of spine care, case reports can provide insights into the effectiveness of specific procedures or therapies in individual patients, while clinical studies can help establish the generalizability of findings and inform evidence-based practices

Case reports highlighting successful treatment outcomes in various spine conditions
Clinical studies investigating the efficacy and safety of different spine care interventions
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of clinical studies on spine care
The role of case reports and clinical studies in advancing spine care research
Ethical considerations in conducting case reports and clinical studies in spine care

Market Analysis

The global spine and spinal disorders market is expected to reach a value of USD 222.3 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 4.5% from 2023 to 2028. This growth is being driven by the increasing prevalence of spinal disorders, such as back pain, neck pain, and spinal stenosis. The ageing population is a major contributor to the rising prevalence of spinal disorders, as degenerative conditions become more common with age.

The market for spine and spinal disorders is highly fragmented, with a large number of players involved in the development, manufacturing, and distribution of medical devices, drugs, and services. The leading players in the market include Medtronic, Stryker, Johnson & Johnson, DePuy Synthes, Zimmer Biomet, and Abbott Laboratories.

The London, UK market for spine and spinal disorders is expected to be worth USD 14.2 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 4.2% from 2023 to 2028. The UK market is being driven by the same factors as the global market, as well as the increasing demand for minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS).

The future of the spine and spinal disorders market is bright, as new technologies and treatments are being developed all the time. These new technologies are expected to improve patient outcomes and reduce the cost of care.

Graph 1: Global Spinal and Spinal Disorders Market Growth Forecast (USD billion)


This graph shows that the global spinal and spinal disorders market is expected to grow from USD 187.5 billion in 2023 to USD 222.3 billion by 2028. This represents a CAGR of 4.5%.

Market Drivers

The following factors are driving the growth of the global spine and spinal disorders market:

1. Increasing prevalence of spinal disorders

2. Ageing population

3. Rising demand for minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS)

4. Increasing adoption of advanced imaging and diagnostic technologies

5. Growing awareness of the importance of spinal health

Market Trends

The following trends are shaping the global spine and spinal disorders market:

1. Increasing focus on patient-centred care

2. Growing demand for personalised medicine

3. Rising adoption of telemedicine

4. Increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in spine care

5. Growing demand for minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS)

Market Challenges

The following challenges are facing the global spine and spinal disorders market:

1. High cost of treatment

2. Limited access to care

3. Lack of awareness of spinal disorders

4. Shortage of qualified spine surgeons

Market Opportunities

The following opportunities exist in the global spine and spinal disorders market:

1. Development of new and innovative treatment options

2. Expansion into emerging markets

3. Development of personalised medicine solutions

4. Increasing adoption of telemedicine

Market Forecast

The global spine and spinal disorders market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.5% from 2023 to 2028, reaching a value of USD 222.3 billion by 2028. The London, UK market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.2% from 2023 to 2028, reaching a value of USD 14.2 billion by 2028.


The global spine and spinal disorders market is a large and growing market with a bright future. The market is being driven by the increasing prevalence of spinal disorders, the ageing population, and the rising demand for minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS). New technologies and treatments are being developed all the time, which is expected to improve patient outcomes and reduce the cost of care.

Additional Considerations for the London, UK Market

1. The UK has a well-developed healthcare system with a strong focus on quality of care

2. The government of UK is committed to investing in innovation in spine care

3. The UK is home to a number of leading research institutions and universities

4. Presence of a strong patient advocate community

These factors are expected to contribute to the continued growth of the spine and spinal disorders market in London, UK.

Scientific Sessions
  • Spinal Cord Injuries and Rehabilitation
  • Degenerative Spinal Conditions
  • Orthopaedic Spinal Injuries
  • Spinal Deformities and Scoliosis
  • Ageing Spine and Spinal Fracture
  • Sports and Spine
  • Spinal Pathology
  • Spinal Tumours and Infections
  • Spine Care in Pediatric Patients

Scientific Committee Members


Dr. Sabrina Donzelli

Research Director National Scoliosis Center, Fairfax, Virginia, US

Dr. Wagih El Masri

Professor of Spinal Injuries, Keele University, UK

Dr. Safi Ullah

Research Scientist, CytoAstra LLC, Little Rock, Ar, USA

Matthew Potts

Dorsi Spinal Institute, UK

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Mian Huang

The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Mohit Goyal

Sthavir Advance Brain & Spine Center, India

Sabrina Donzelli

National Scoliosis Center, USA

Biju C Jose

PK Das Institute of Medical Sciences, India

Wagih El Masri

Keele University, UK

Yiguo Liu

Tongji University, China

Abir Dutta

University College London, United Kingdom

Deepak M. Kalaskar

University College London, United Kingdom

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